Unfolding Neurological and Neuropsychiatric
Complications due to Covid-19

KU Leuven

The Life Sciences & Society Lab at KU Leuven focuses on the Ethical, Legal and Social Aspects (ELSA) of biomedicine in the EU context. We explore the social, regulatory and ethical dimensions of biomedical technology and science innovation through empirical social science research.

Role within NeuroCOV

In NeuroCOV, we are responsible for WP5 "Social Sciences and Humanities Framework" and WP6 "Innovation management, ethics and regulatory affairs." In WP5, we study emerging social issues related to NeuroCOVID conditions as well as key ELSA issues of NeuroCOVID research. WP6 deals with the NeuroCOV ethics compliance and data governance framework.

Main contacts

Photo of Ine Van Hoyweghen
Ine Van Hoyweghen
Photo of Luca Marelli
Luca Marelli